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Steam Bath Check Up

Soothing steam ...... Can you feel it? Have you ever been in a steam room in a health club or gym? I can tell you that it is a wonderful experience, especially on a cold winter day. Of course, if you live in the Southern USA or in Cincinnati, Ohio during the summer of 1999, then you don't need a steam generation unit. Simply walk outside into the heat and humidity on a blazing summer's day! You get to sweat for free.

Critical Steps

I have gotten complaints from homeowners and readers who have said that their steam units don't work and are useless. When you start asking questions, you usually find out quickly that just one thing is wrong. Everything has to be just right for a steam unit to work properly. Here are some critical points you must do:

  • Have you purchased the right sized unit? Size is a function of the cubic foot area of the steam enclosure AND the wall surface material/construction.

  • There is no exposed drywall or plaster in the steam room area.
  • The door or opening from the shower area to the bathroom fits fairly tightly.
  • There is no open space above the door. In other words, when the door is closed, no air can escape from the steam enclosure.
  • The steam head has been placed the correct distance up from the floor.

These are just a few of the steps you must take to make sure a steam generation unit produces and maintains a luxurious amount of steam in your shower or steam room. It isn't hard to follow the steps, you just need to make sure all of them are indeed followed!

I always highly recommend that you get a copy of the written installation instructions before you have one of these installed. Don't assume that the plumber or the builder knows how they are installed! Not only that, each unit may have slightly different requirements.

Close is Better

The steam generation units can be placed a distance away from the steam room or shower area - often up to 20 feet, but the closer you keep it to the shower area, the better off you will be.

Plumbing Connections

Installing a steam generation unit is not really too tough. The fitting and piping requirements are fairly standard. You must pay attention to the types of materials that are suggested. When the manufacturer says to use a brass pipe nipple, DON'T use a galvanized iron one instead! Do exactly what you are told to do. It is very possible that you will need to get supplies from a real plumbing supply house, not a home center.

Read the Enclosed Papers

Just about every steam generation unit comes with trouble-shooting and maintenance instructions. Take a few minutes and read those. It can save you lots of time in the future. I like to save all paperwork for these items and store them near the unit. Use a zip-lock plastic freezer bag for storage purposes and tape or attach this bag to the wall near the steam generation unit. Do not tape the bag to the unit as it may interfere with ventilation, plumbing or electrical connections. Use common sense.

Hard Water

If you know you have hard water, you need to prepare yourself for periodic cleaning and maintenance. Mineral deposits will form on the inside of the unit and will cause problems if you don't clean the heating elements and other parts as required.

Keep in mind that white vinegar does an excellent job of dissolving these mineral deposits. It doesn't smell great but it really works. Thick deposits may require overnight soaking. In extreme cases you may have to soak items for days and change the vinegar solution every 12 hours or so. Simply follow recommendations provided by the manufacturer.

Be sure to use a timer with the units, especially if you have health problems! Check with your doctor before using one.

Companion Articles: Steam Room Construction Tips, Steam Bath Unit Companies, Steam Showers & Baths - Simply Soothing

Column B275


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