This section of (ATB) deals with a bunch of legal jujumagumbo.
I can't think of anything more distressing and distracting.
American Disabilities Act (ADA) COMPLIANCE:
ATB is a very small business and a work in progress. It launched in October of 1995, and some content has not been modified since the day it was uploaded.
ATB has but one employee. Based on my research it appears ATB is immune from the ADA law because ATB doesn't have 15, or more, employees.
The actual text of the ADA law passed decades ago doesn't even call out websites. The US District Courts are split on whether it even applies to websites.
That said go here to read my ADA Accessibility Statement.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of November 2020, just about every aspect of is already ADA compliant. You can read all text easily, photos have alt tags, and links are clearly visible
You can get a transcript of any YouTube video on ATB. You can also view closed captions.
To view closed captions and get a streaming transcript, do the following:
- Click the CC button on the bottom of any video - look at this example:

The magenta arrow points to the CC button.
2. Once you activate the CC button, you should start seeing the TRANSCRIPT of the words spoken in the video. Here's an example:

The magenta arrow points to a rolling TRANSCRIPT of the audio in each video. If it doesn't work, take your beef to YouTube's attorneys as they are in charge of this technology, not ATB.
I devote as many resources as I can each day to make ATB fully ADA compliant.
But understand in my opinion it's unreasonable for you to expect the website to be fully compliant. I work on the ancient pages as I have time.
All pages here at are copyright protected. All rights reserved.
The text, photos and videos here at may NOT be republished by you, they may not be broadcast by you, they may not be redistributed by you, and above all else all of you low-life content-farm scrapers, you may NOT REWRITE anything you read here.
Content found at,,,,,,, etc. is commonly sourced from sites like with little or NO attribution.
If you're a content pirate here plundering my columns, I hope you eat HOT SCALDING DEATH.
Disclosure Policy:
The Federal Trade Commission requires that I publish the guidelines concerning any product reviews you see on this website. Please read my Disclosure Policy.
Your Use of
You're not being charged for the information you get from
If you click ANY LINK, including one that provides you with a FREE BID for anything, it's your responsibility to PROTECT YOURSELF from anyone that comes to your home. It's impossible for me to offer you that protection.
For you to even think of admonishing, chastising, criticizing, or suing me is unacceptable.
If you feel differently, please close your browser now, go away and kindly never come back to because all you're doing is thinking of yourself.
If you decide to stay, and I hope you do, then you need to realize the following:
- If I record your voice during a phone call, if you submit a comment on any page, a question, a story, an image, a drawing or photograph you own to me via, you grant me a perpetual paid-in-full non-exclusive license allowing me to use it on my website, re-publish it in any other future publication and/or re-license it to some other entity without any compensation from me.
- In addition, you transfer your copyright to me, just like in a traditional Work-for-Hire agreement, for any story, comment, question, image, drawing, photograph or any digital information you send to me for me to study.
- If you do want compensation, any advice or knowledge you take away from visiting my website, from a free phone call I make to you, or from a reply I send to you via email or any other method is payment in full for life for anything you submit to me via an email or my Ask Tim page.
- You agree to use any and all advice found at at your own risk. Here is but one example of thousands of things that might go wrong after you follow some of my advice:
- Let's say you try to solder a copper pipe the way I describe (which, by the way, will produce a leak-free joint as I'm a master plumber among other things).
- One month later, the joint fails because you made a mistake and/or the materials you used were defective.
- The running water floods your house, all of your possessions get ruined, your pets and children float away and can't be found, toxic mold blooms and coats all surfaces in the house, and then your house collapses from wood rot.
In the event something like the above happens, don't have your lawyer/attorney contact me, have them contact your insurance company instead.
See how simple lawyers make it to do business with
Are you in a grumpy mood now? Well don't blame me, refocus that negative energy towards those who file lawsuits each day to keep our litigious society and economy on a roll.
Tim Carter
Founder -
Libel in Comments:
This website is open to comments. You'll find user-generated comments under many articles and other pages. If you're making a comment, then don't commit libel.
Libel is a written statement about someone that is not based in fact.
Here's an example of libel:
"John Smith, who owns Smith Contracting in Anywhere Town, State of Your Choice, is a smarmy liar and a low-life cheat who'd steal money from his sick grandmother laying on her deathbed. He's also a child sex predator, a racist, and he steals money from church collection baskets."
Here's an example of facts:
"John Smith, who owns Smith Contracting, signed a contract with me that says,'I will install an AAMA-approved Simonton window - model XXX - for $2,000.00 total cost to you.' I can provide you with a scanned copy of his contract where he states this. He actually installed a low-priced POC window from Home Depot, gave us a bill for $7,950.00 and has put a lien on our house because we refuse to pay him."
State all the facts you want, and allow other visitors to decide who is right.
As a website owner and publisher, Federal Law has been passed that offers immunity to me in case you do cross the line and commit libel.
Save all of us lots of time and don't commit libel. Just state all the facts of what happened and keep out all adjectives describing the person and his/her workmanship.
Amazon Affiliate Links:
You'll discover many links to products sold on at If you buy that product or any other product from Amazon after clicking one of my links, pays me a very tiny commission for brokering the deal. It's important to realize I ONLY LINK to high-quality products I've either used myself or would not hesitate to use on my own home.