Matthew Grant Gilman – Lowes Employee
On March 31, 2015 I had to make a trip to the Lowe's store closest to my home.
I needed to return two sheets of drywall and pick up more low-dust joint compound for a project at my own home.
The Customer Service Return desk is just to the left of the main door of the store, but the drywall stack is located 60 yards away under the porte cochere at the Contractor's Door.
I parked just outside of the main front door and started to walk to the Customer Service desk.
As I looked over my shoulder to make sure no cars were coming, I saw a young Lowe's employee, Matthew Grant Gilman.
"Good afternoon! Do you think you can help me in a moment unload the drywall from my truck after I do the paperwork inside? I'll meet you down at the Contractor's door in a few minutes."
Matthew responded, "Sure."

Here's Matthew Grant Gilman in his Lowe's safety vest. Thanks Lowe's for putting your faith in Matthew. Photo credit: Al Thurber
I proceeded inside and the nice young woman asked me how she could help me.
"I've got two sheets of drywall I'd like to return."
"Sir, you need to unload them first before I can issue the credit."
"Okay, I'll go do that. Will the people down at the Contractor's Entrance call you?"
"Sir, are those your two sheets of drywall?"
Puzzled by her question, I turned around.
Walking through the sliding doors was Matthew with my two pieces of drywall laying flat on a large shopping cart.
Without any help and realizing what the woman was going to tell me, Matthew took it upon himself to unload the heavy drywall and bring it into the store saving me a big hassle.
I was so impressed I asked the woman if she'd take a photo of me with Matthew as I wanted many to see this ambitious young man who gets it - who can think ahead - who realizes what it takes to move the needle.
"Well, you should probably talk to the manager. Matthew, go find Kevin," she said.
To make a long story short, Al Thurber took the photo of Matthew and I.
Al's the Human Resources Manager at the Gilford, NH Lowe's. I gave Al and Matthew each one of my cards so that the folks at Lowe's could contact me about this story.
Thanks Al and thanks Matthew!
You've got a very bright future ahead of you Matthew!
NOTE TO AL and Lowe's: I suggest you do everything possible to keep Matthew happy. Once the word gets out to other employers in the area, Matthew is going to have a string of job offers.
Al told me someone from Lowe's Corporate Media Relations would call me to give the okay about publishing the photo of Matthew and I.
I waited all day yesterday for a call or email and didn't get one. I'm pretty sure Lowe's is going to be happy with this exposure, so I'm taking the chance and going ahead with publishing this story and the photo. What do you think?
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