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Continental Glacier Soils

The following photo was taken in 1986 on or about June 24th.

The location of the photo was 3166 N. Farmcrest Drive, Amberley Village, Ohio.

You can clearly see two distinct soil profiles in the photo.

The light-brown clay soil that's about four feet thick was produced by the Wisconsin Continental glacier that was starting to recede back to the North Pole about 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.

Beneath it is a much darker soil that was created by the Illinoian Continental glacier that was in Cincinnati, Ohio about 600,000 years ago.

Continental Glacier Soils

You can see the two distinct glacial soils above the footing on the far wall. © 2017 Tim Carter - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - DO NOT COPY or PIRATE this photo without permission.

You don't often get to see deep soil profile photos like this that have so much contrast.

I built the house at this location and I got my geology degree from the University of Cincinnati in 1974.


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