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January 26, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

This is going to be really short. I've been blasted busy the past week. That's why you didn't hear from me.

In just about 45 minutes, 7:45 am, I need to be out the door on this frosty winter's morning to start roughing in the plumbing drain and vent lines on a friend's house.

I hope to tape a video tomorrow showing you some of what's happening, but it depends on all sorts of things.

I've got some great news about several things to share, but once again, I need your help. This is VERY important.

Do You Have an ...

old three-tab shingle in your garage, shed or barn? I'm talking about one like this:​

I don't care what color it is. Here are the minimum specifications:

  • It needs to be in original condition
  • It needs to be at LEAST 40 years old
  • You need to be able to VERIFY the age within a few years

If you have a shingle like this, or a bundle that's just been sitting around from when your house, barn, garage, shed, etc. was roofed all those years ago, you'll really be helping MILLIONS of other homeowners.

PLEASE reply to me if you have some ancient shingles - or know of someone who has one or two - around your home.

Bathroom Remodel Video Series

I'm about to embark on a serious bathroom remodel here at my own home.

The original architect and owner of this home must have been doing drugs when they planned the existing basement bathroom. When you see it, you'll agree.

I plan to do a complete step-by-step video series starting with a before tour and pointing out all that's wrong with the bath.

Then I intend to show you each and everything I do explaining WHY it's being done. Often that step is skipped in most videos.

Best Part: These will all be for free on my YouTube channel.

I also plan, at a few critical times, to do a live Hangout where you can ask questions about where I am on the project in case I don't answer your questions in the video.

I've not yet figured out the best way to do the Hangout, but I'll probably experiment soon so the best production value is achieved.

Watch for an announcement about this.

opens in a new windowMYSTERY LINK! I'll bet you didn't know the following about a certain exterior building material!!!


Klein Tools MM700 Multimeter Review

I had the opportunity to test a handy electrical multi-meter last week. It's really a tool you should have at your home.

opens in a new windowCLICK HERE to read all about this tool and how to use it around your home. You may think a tool like this is for pros only, but you're wrong.

A multi-meter can save you a service call from an electrician. It can help you troubleshoot issues in your car.

You can even determine if a light bulb is really burned out!

Don't think for a minute that tiny multimeter you might have that's the size of a deck of cards is equal to this one. When it comes to multimeters, size does matter. You need one that's not going to melt if you try to test something with more juice than what a tiny meter can handle.

When you read the column you'll see links to BUY it. It made by Klein Tools and ask any electrician and she'll tell you - they make nothing but quality.

opens in a new windowCLICK HERE to watch a video I made about the tool!

Okay, I need to scoot to eat breakfast and get going.

I'll at least take a photo to share with you today.

Oh, one more thing!!!!!!

LAST CALL on Front Door Install DVD

My New Front Door Install DVD is on sale.

I FORGOT to send you a LAST CALL reminder last week.

You now have just 24 hours to get the DVD at the sale price of just $22.50 with FREE SHIPPING in the USA.

There is SO MUCH CONTENT there are TWO DVDs in the set!!! I believe when I shot the job there are over forty step-by-step videos!!!

I burn these myself and I'll autograph them if you BUY IT NOW.

opens in a new windowCLICK HERE NOW to order it.

I've got to go. Sorry, I had no time to check this for typos and errors.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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