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September 20, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter Correction

I sent out a opens in a new windownewsletter this morning and it had my latest FUN Quiz in it.

It's about Encapsulation. What's that? You'll soon find out.

Guess what?

I GOOFED UP a setting in the form!!!

I had a box checked that required you to have a Google account to be able to take the quiz.

Call me Mr. Dolt Man!!!

This is a quiz that you should really take because it has health implications.

opens in a new windowCLICK HERE as everything is now fixed and you should have no issues taking the quiz.

Thanks so much for investing your precious time to complete the short FUN quizzes.

There's a great video at this page you should watch.

opens in a new windowCLICK HERE to watch the video.


Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right TIM, Not Over You Cretin!


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