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April 9, 2017 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

roofing ripoff

Roofing Ripoff Book

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I've been waiting for fifteen months to send this announcement.

During all that time, I've had a few days filled with fear and other days of elation. It's been a roller coaster ride to be sure.

I should have kept a journal, but I didn't.

My long-awaited Roofing Ripoff book is finished and within days you'll be able to get your hands on it.

Friday afternoon my top-drawer libel attorney gave it the green light. Believe me, his fee was well worth it because my book is about to take on the multi-billion dollar USA asphalt-shingle industry.

It's a disruptive book. Very disruptive.

If you're old enough to remember Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed book that made him a household name, then you'll appreciate the fury I'm about to encounter.

He took on the USA automotive industry and deep-sixed the Chevrolet Corvair made by the mighty and powerful General Motors.

His book brought the auto makers to their knees.

Billions of dollars are at stake here. Your dollars I might add.

You could be spending those dollars on something else or saving instead of buying more shingles.

You'll discover in Roofing Ripoff how to do an end-around on the entire asphalt shingle industry.

You'll not have to HOPE you can get a great product from them.

Never forget this. Hope is the emotion of last resort. You hope for things you can't control.

I show you how EASY it is to control the destiny and lifespan of your asphalt shingles!

You may be one who'll never ever again have to put on another roof. It's SO EXCITING to be able to share this with you!

"I'm All In"

When you decide to go up against giant companies that have unlimited legal resources with stories and facts they'd probably prefer stay buried, you have to be brave.

Kathy has supported me the entire way, and we both know the ultimate defense in a libel lawsuit are facts.

That's why were all in with everything we own in case we have to do battle with one or more of the shingle manufacturers.

Roofing Ripoff is filled with stories, facts and photographs that are going to both shock and awe you.

Believe me, there's going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth in quite a few big-company conference rooms in the next few days.

It's going to be fascinating to see how the asphalt shingle companies react. But as Kenny Chesney said in his hit song, "Only time will tell, but it ain't talkin'."

Free Sample Chapters!

How would you like to read the first three chapters for FREE?

Yeah, I thought you'd like that.

But before you do, here are the Roofing Ripoff FAQs:

When will the COMPLETE BOOK be available?

You should get an email from me on Tuesday. At that time you'll be able to purchase an INSTANT DOWNLOAD .pdf version that will look like the free chapters you can see below.

Will the book be available as an Amazon Kindle book?

Yes. I expect Amazon will have cleared it and made available by April 14, 2017.

Will the book be available as a paperback?

Yes. I hope to have all the professional formatting completed and uploaded to Amazon Create Space on or before April 30, 2017. Expect the paperback to be available by May 15, 2017.

CLICK HERE to get a FREE Instant Download of the first three chapters of Roofing Ripoff.

If the download is SLOW, it could be because TOO MANY PEOPLE are trying to get it at one time. Be patient and TRY MULTIPLE TIMES in a few hours.

That's enough for today.

I suggest you download the FREE three chapters, read them and ponder how the rest of the book will turn out.

Chapter Ten is going to infuriate you. I'll warn you now.

In Chapter Eleven, I share with you my HUGE DISCOVERY!!!

Look at its title in the Table of Contents.

You're going to be able to save your new, newer, or older asphalt single roof that's still in great shape!


Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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