Coast HP8R LED Flashlight Review

Here it is. She's a beauty. If you misplace it, I guarantee you'll never get it back. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW TO HAVE ONE DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME NEXT WEEK.
Coast HP8R LED Flashlight
I've had more flashlights than I care to remember.
Thirty years ago, I remember the craze swirling around the aluminum Mag flashlights.
They were the belle of the ball in the early 1980s as it was introduced in 1979.
I owned several and I have to admit, they were a vast improvement over the unreliable flashlights of old.
Fast Forward
It's hard for products to stay at the top. Such is competition.
In my opinion, Coast has far surpassed Maglight. Yes, there are lots of LED flashlights out there, but when you hold a Coast flashlight in your hand, you'll admire every part of it.
They're very well made. I LOVE the ones I own.
I don't waste my time copying and pasting all the specs for products. I concentrate on the subjective aspects of the tool and judge it against all that have come into my hands before it.
If you want the specs on the Coast HP8R flashlight, CLICK HERE.

The barrel of the flashlight is the perfect diameter for me. It's got a handsome knurled finish grip. Great on wet nights when you're in the graveyard. CLICK THE IMAGE NOW TO MAKE ALL YOUR FRIENDS JEALOUS. YOU'LL HAVE THE BEST FLASHLIGHT AROUND.

I didn't want to fully grasp it or I'd cover up the great logo. Believe me, it's going to fit in your hand, especially if you're a woman that wants lots of light but not a monster flashlight. Note it's got a slide focus for wide light or a tight beam. You can lock that function so it doesn't move. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW AND HAVE THIS FLASHLIGHT AT YOUR DOORSTEP IN JUST DAYS. LIGHT UP THE NIGHT AND CREEPY BASEMENTS SCARING AWAY ALL GOBLINS.

This is a rechargeable flashlight!!! It comes with a wonderful lithium-ion battery pack as well as one that holds four AAA batteries as a backup in case you deplete the lithium-ion pack. Very handy! CLICK THIS PHOTO RIGHT NOW. ORDER IT AND WIPE THE GRIN OFF YOUR FACE.


It's hard to take photos at night showing what it can light up. Your local airport might want to have you on a list of people to contact if they need you to replace the visual approach glidescope lights to help planes land in a power outage. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW. JUST BUY THE DARN FLASHLIGHT. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.

You get the charger that has a mini USB plug on it. This is the same plug that usually is for most Android cell phones and many other electronic items. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW. GET OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD.

You use this case on your belt to transport the HP8R to its assigned duty. It's best to put the flashlight in the case with the lens facing the sky. Just do it that way and worry about other things. ARE YOU SERIOUS? IT TOOK YOU THIS LONG TO DECIDE TO BUY IT? CLICK NOW. QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED SERIOUSLY!!!!
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