Easy Tile Grout Cleaning

The grout to the left and lower left of the bottle of Stain Solver oxygen bleach used to be dark gray and filthy as you see on the right side of the photo. It just took a few minutes of soaking and a little scrubbing to get these dramatic results. CLICK THE IMAGE NOW TO ORDER STAIN SOLVER. (C) Copyright 2017 Tim Carter
Tile Grout Cleaning TIPS
- Use Stain Solver oxygen bleach
- Mix with warm water let soak on tile & grout
- Wait 15 minutes and lightly scrub grout
- Non-toxic and no odor
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DEAR TIM: I’ve tried tile grout cleaning on the floors of my home with little success. The grout just doesn’t come clean. The tiles themselves don’t look like they used to even though I’m using those newer pad-cleaner contraptions.
Is there a miracle method that you know of for cleaning ceramic tile grout? Have you had this problem in your own home? Judith P., Forest Park, IL
DEAR JUDITH: Tile and grout cleaning was the bane of my existence for years at the last house I built for my family. When I built that home, my lovely wife selected a pure-white tile for our kitchen with a light gray grout.
WARNING: Kitchens and Light Grout
I warned her the grout would turn black, but my pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. To this day, she says it was my idea.
As it turns out, the grout did turn nearly black, especially around the refrigerator and sink, no matter how hard I tried to clean it.
Dirt Soaks Into Grout
It became crystal clear what the issue was one day when I decided to really scrub the grout. Small particles of dirt on the floor were getting dissolved in water that was spilled on the tile.
This dirty water then soaked into the grout just out of reach of the bristles of the scrub brush. This was compounded by spills of liquids like red wine, cranberry juice, iced tea, deep-purple grape juice, etc.
Colored Liquids Stain Too
Any colored liquid that came into contact with the grout soaked into the sanded grout just like it would a sponge.
Pads are Useless
Regular soaps seemed powerless as well as tile and grout cleaning equipment that I rented. I can see why you’re having trouble with the pad cleaning tools as I’m convinced that these get up some of the dirt, but they leave dirt behind if the pads are not changed with great regularity.
The smooth pads are powerless to remove dirt from the grout because in most cases they never even touch the grout. Look closely at a tile floor and you’ll quickly see the grout is almost always recessed lower than the surface of the tile.
The pads just float over the grout never touching it.
Magic Stain Solver

Stain Solver is MADE in the USA with USA ingredients that are food-grade quality. CLICK THE IMAGE to order some NOW.
My tile & grout cleaning problems disappeared about years ago while I was researching how to properly seal and clean a deck. I interviewed a chemist who exposed me to a product I had never heard of - oxygen bleach.
This product is a powder mixed with warm tap water. The instant this happens, billions of oxygen ions are released into the solution.
These oxygen ions attack dirt and stain molecules blasting them apart. When this happens, they lose their ability to absorb light and the stains disappear.
Not only do they do this on wood decks, but this magic cleaning action happens on anything that’s water washable.
I discovered it works to remove algae, tough laundry stains, oil stains from car carpets, normal indoor carpet stains, and it de-odorizes too. It was indeed magic!
Sell It
Once I saw what it could do, I decided to start selling it myself. Kathy and I came up with the name Stain Solver because it solved every type of stain.
Mix, Stir & Pour
I tried some of this product and couldn’t believe what I saw. Following the instructions given to me by the chemist, I mixed the powder with hot water and stirred it until it dissolved.
I then poured this solution on the tile floor in my kitchen making sure the grout was completely saturated and covered with the clear solution. Then I walked away for 15 minutes allowing the oxygen ions to work on their own.
Grout & Tile Cleaning Video
Watch this video to see how powerful Stain Solver is. This is the exact process I did all those years ago to clean my kitchen floor.
I guarantee you'll get your floor tile grout as clean as mine. The trick is to mix it right and allow the solution to soak for 15, or more, minutes before you scrub. The longer you let it soak and work the LESS you have to scrub.
Let It Soak Then Scrub
After the wait period, I had to add some additional solution where it had soaked into the tile grout. I then used a stiff scrub brush and ran the brush along the grout lines between the tiles.
With almost no effort, the tile grout looked like new. When the chemist told me this would happen on the phone, I didn’t believe him. It sure pays to have an open mind!
Chlorine = TOXIC
You can get nearly the same results using chlorine bleach, but there are some disadvantages using this harsh toxic chemical. First and foremost, the fumes are powerful and make many feel uneasy.
The chlorine bleach is so strong that it can ruin the pigments in some colored floor grouts. If you splash the chlorine bleach on adjacent surfaces like cabinets or carpeting, it can take the color out of them. It’s a tough cleaner to work with.
Never Scrub Again!
Once my tile and grout were clean, I discovered a way to keep them looking that way. I hated getting on my knees to scrub and didn’t want to do that ever again.
One day, I decided to use the oxygen bleach powder in the mop water. I mopped the floor like normal, but instead of rinsing the floor right away, I let the cleaning solution soak on the floor for about 15 minutes.
I discovered if the grout is just lightly soiled, the dirt has not yet soaked into the grout. It didn't take long for the mop-water solution to attack the dirt on the surface and that which had penetrated into the grout.
My kitchen floor looked like new every week. The best part is the squabbles with my wife stopped and both of us had smiles on our faces. The old saying "happy wife / happy life" is true especially when the kitchen floor sparkles.
Different Oxygen Bleaches
You can buy Stain Solver oxygen bleach online.
Stain Solver is:
- Certified organic
- Non-toxic - no foul odor
- Made in the USA with USA ingredients
- Has much more active ingredient than other brands
- Family-owned small business
Some other oxygen bleaches are available at retail stores for less money.
IMPORTANT BUYING TIP: The quality of the different oxygen bleaches varies to a great degree. Some big-name national-brands contain ingredients from offshore. They're not certified organic. They may trick you with language that makes you think they were Made in the USA, when in fact, they were packaged in the USA with offshore ingredients.
Not all of the products have the same amount of active ingredient. You’ll discover products that may have more filler in them than oxygen bleach. It pays to do research to get a product you can trust and really works well.
Stain Solver is that product. CLICK HERE NOW to order Stain Solver.
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