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Flag Pole Manufacturers and Companies

Flagpole Manufacturers and Companies

Here is just a small list of the many companies out in the USA that sell factory made flagpoles. I did an Internet search and came up with no less than 50 companies. I think you will find that there are probably less than 10 actual flagpole manufacturers and that many companies that sell poles actually are selling the same product. Be sure to find out WHO actually makes the pole.

Pay attention to sidewall thickness. This is a measurement of the amount of metal that is in the pole. More metal usually means greater strength. Also ask about stainless steel hardware. You want metal that absolutely will not rust. The halyard and the trucks are also very important. Price is almost always a good barometer of quality. High quality components simply cost more money.

SunSetter Products
This company makes a unique pole that telescopes up to a height of 20 feet. It has no ropes since you raise and lower the flag by simply clicking the pole up and down. This is worth a look.

Quinn Flags & Banners
This company has a full line of aluminum and fiberglass flagpoles in any size you want. They also have a fantastic selection of historical US flags. I am getting ready to buy one of the First Navy Jack flags that has a serpent with the words "Don't Tread on Me".

Concord Industries, Inc.
This company has a full line of great aluminum flagpoles. But they do not sell direct. You must deal with one of their distributors.Visit their website to find out who sells them in your area.

Hennessy House
This is a very unique company. They make historical wooden flagpoles! If you want to keep your colonial home totally authentic, then you might want to contact these folks. I found other companies that make wooden poles while I was doing my search so if you want comparative pricing, be sure to do an extensive web search.

American Flagpoles & Flags
This company has a wide variety of flagpoles and flags. They have a neat telescoping aluminum pole. These telescoping poles are the latest in flagpole technology. If you have one of these you can easily take down your flagpole if you need to for any reason. Traditional poles, once set, are pretty tough to take down.

Related Column: Flagpole Tips

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