How to Fix a Crumbling Foundation
Quick Column Summary:
- Concrete wall crumbling away from foundation
- Fix it for $15 or less
- Link to repair column
Brandon Stone, who hails from Moncton in the great maritime province of New Brunswick, Canada, is desperate. Here's why:
"I have a concrete wall on my 40-year-old foundation that is crumbling. I was told it was built with beach sand and the salt is deteriorating the wall. What can I do to stop this?
I'm desperate for a solution to this nightmare. I've had a contractor work on the wall paying him $2600 with a year warranty and he failed to help me on it. The repair is bubbling away from the foundation and need some help."

This is superficial damage that can be repaired with clean sand, Portland cement and a small dose of determination! Photo credit: Brandon Stone
Here's what I told Brandon:
Brandon, you hired a LOSER contractor to repair your foundation.
If you subscribe to my FREE newsletter and open it from now on, I offer you my protection on all future home improvement projects so you NEVER WASTE MONEY or time again.
It just so happens I showed a woman named Lynn in Maryland how to solve this exact problem. You'll see the answer to your problem below.
The GOOD NEWS is it's not salt in the beach sand. That's a wives tale.
The issue is the contractor you hired simply did the repair WRONG.
You're going to be able to fix this yourself in about one hour or less for a total cost of $15 or less.
From now on, before you EVER hire another contractor, come to my website and READ my past columns and watch my videos to show you how things should be done Right, not Over!
CLICK HERE to read how to fix your crumbling foundation in less than an hour.