Infrared Photos

Infrared Photos | Use an infrared camera to spot problems. These are the heating supply pipes in my daughter's new home. Can you tell how many zones of the seven are calling for heat? Can you see which are the outgoing supply pipes with hotter water than the return pipes coming back to get reheated? Can you see why having one of these infrared cameras is such a good idea? CLICK or TAP HERE to purchase the infrared camera I have!
Infrared Photos - Use Them to Help Save You Money
Infrared photos can help you discover problems at your home before they become giant nightmares.
I own a FLIR ONE PRO infrared camera that plugs into my smartphone. I can take unlimited photos using my phone.
You don't own a smartphone?
CLICK or TAP HERE to purchase a fantastic stand-alone infrared camera.

This is my FLIR ONE Pro. Note how small it is. It plugs right into my smartphone and the FREE FLIR app allows you to capture infrared images. It's MAGIC. CLICK or TAP HERE or the photo if you want to order one now and have it in your hands in hours.
Check out some of my favorite infrared photos below. CLICK or TAP ANY of the photos below should you want to purchase your own FLIR ONE Pro camera that will connect to your smartphone. Just be sure you get the right one to match your phone's operating system and the USB charging port.

This is my master bathroom floor. You can see why I NEVER have cold feet! The floor is 82.2 F and the hot water flows through Uponor hePEX tubing. You can also see the brighter yellow Uponor Aluminum heat transfer plates that the tubing snaps into.

This is one of my two cats. Nala's fur registers 76 F. You can see the heat coming out of the bottom of the under-counter refrigerator behind her. Just to her right is the bottom of the main refrigerator and you can see the heat pouring out of it.

This is my giant family room with a vaulted ceiling. Can you see how the insulation contractor really goofed up at the base of the vaulted ceiling? Those blue and magenta areas are missing insulation or it's compressed. Look at how cold the bottom of the exterior french door is.

This is the baseboard heater in my mud room next to the garage. Hot water flows through the device and keeps that room warm. Note the water temperature is down to 83.1 F by the time it gets to here. This heater is linked to other ones on the first floor in a series. After the water passes through this heater, it goes back to the boiler to get reheated. The water entering the first heater in the series is around 120 F.

This is a window in my living room. The outside temperature at the time I shot this photo was about 37 F. I aimed the crosshairs at the center of the double-pane glass and you can see it's 66.6 F. As it gets COLDER outside, the temperature of the glass will go DOWN. If it gets below zero outside, the temperature of the glass could get below the dew point of the air inside. If that happens, you'll see liquid condensation start to form on the glass.

This is a photo of my Davinci Roofscapes synthetic slate roof. The photo was taken on a cool summer morning before the sun has yet to hit the shingles. Note the temperature is 64.2 F. This south-facing roof will get a broadside shot of infrared from the sun in less than an hour and the temperature of the surface will climb to around 163 F. That's HOT!

I aimed the FLIR ONE at my blacktop that's been in the sun for hours on a summer day. You can see it's 127.3 F. Not quite hot enough to cook eggs!

This is my Therma-Tru fiberglass front door. It's in full sun on a blistering hot summer day. The door faces south and has a small overhang to protect it. Note how the door is 160.4 F. No wonder paint peels and blisters on doors like this especially those protected by a glass storm door!

This photo is part of set. See the one below it. You're looking at two scrap pieces of decking supported about 19 inches up off my Trex Transcend deck on a hot summer day. The crosshair of the FLIR ONE are aimed at a piece of 1-inch-thick Trex Transcend trim board. It's dark brown. Note the 151.8 F temperature. I wanted it suspended in the air so it would simulate being put on floor joists.

Here's the second photo of the set. The camera is now aimed at a piece of scrap treated lumber 2x4. Note how it's much cooler than the composite material. It registers 126.5 F. That's just about hot enough to scald bare feet!

This is my Trex Transcend deck. The color of the Trex is a medium brown - Tiki Torch. It's a very hot summer day here in New Hampshire and you can see you don't want to walk on this deck with bare feet! 147.1 F. Yeeeeouch!

This is the Noritz combi boiler I installed in my daughter's new home. Note how you can tell which is the exhaust pipe and which one is bringing in cold combustion air into the propane-fueled boiler. You can also see the hot primary loop sending water to the seven different heating zones in the house. CLICK or TAP HERE or the photo to purchase the wonderful infrared camera that captured this image.

The wretched insulators did not split the batt and carefully fill the voids behind the electrical box. Idiots.

How hot is hot tea? Lookie lookie. 170 F CLICK or TAP HERE to purchase a FLIR infrared camera.
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