Laminate Countertop Repair Kit
Laminate Countertop Repair Kit Podcast:
Tim Carter discusses how a laminate countertop repair kit might save you lots of money. There are two types of kits:
- small ones that repair a scratch, nick, or gouge
- complete re-coating kits where you apply a tough coating over the entire countertop
Links to the two types of kits are just below the videos further down the page.
Robert, who lives in Florida, asked Tim about these kits. Here's what he wrote:
"I have an undermount farm sink. My new Wilson art laminate is buckling. The installation people came out today, all the caulking is cracking, and the underside of the new sink has no caulking. Our plumbing installers came out did a check on a possible leak and found none. Who is responsible? Can I cut out the bad wood? Should I get a whole new countertop? Should I replace the sink with an overmount sink?"
Here's the photo of Robert's ruined laminate countertop:

This countertop can't be salvaged with a repair kit. It's time for a new top.
Watch this first video for sure. It's an amazing system:

This is a kit that will restore your entire laminate countertop. Practice first for best results. CLICK on the photo to have this kit in your kitchen in days.

This is a kit to repair minor blemishes in your laminate countertops. CLICK on the photo to have this product in your hands in days.
Related Links:
Laminate Countertop CARE TIPS - Several are Secret
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