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May 26, 2017 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I've waited for this day for over eighteen months.

My Roofing Ripoff book is NOW AVAILABLE in paperback as a print-on-demand via CreateSpace.

CreateSpace is a cool company that Amazon.com owns. It allows authors to bypass the traditional publishing rat maze of getting a book printed and distributed.

Years ago if you were going to self-publish, that's what I'm doing, you'd have to go to a printer with a finished book design and they'd run off 5,000 or 10,000 copies.

You have no idea how complex it is to create a file for a printer to publish a book. Not to mention the cover design!

Then, the printer would print your book, put them in boxes, ship them to you and they end up in your garage for YOU to sell and distribute.

Many an author has dust-covered cardboard boxes of her/his book stacked up in their garage.

Technology was developed about ten years ago that allows CreateSpace to print one copy at a time much like you'd use a copy machine to make a copy of a letter.

But the QUALITY of the one copy is the same or BETTER than what a traditional printer would do printing 5,000 at a time.

Wait until you see the glossy COLOR photos in the book.

Wait until you see the full-color GLOSSY cover to the book.

Wait until you see the very cool COLOR graphic that's at the bottom of each page.

It was originally only going to be at the end of each chapter, but my book designer Sheridan Stancliff insisted it be at the bottom of each page of text. She was so right and I was so wrong!

CLICK HERE now to order your copy of my Roofing Ripoff book.

Want to read the first three chapters of Roofing Ripoff for FREE? CLICK HERE.

My Discovery


Do you own a home or commercial building with an asphalt shingle roof?

If you answered YES, then keep reading.

While writing my Roofing Ripoff book, I was the FIRST PERSON in the world to make a discovery.

I discovered that copper ions prevent asphalt molecules in shingles from connecting to one another.

If too many asphalt molecules link together like a LONG freight train, then the shingles:

  • become brittle
  • they curl
  • they loose the ceramic colored granules

You don't want this to happen because it means you have to put a new roof on your house SOONER.

Introducing copper to your asphalt shingle roof can allow the shingles to last DECADES LONGER - like shingles USED TO LAST.

Here is what I saw when I made my discovery on December 26, 2015. You're looking at the roof of the old Tilton, NH post office below.

Unfortunately, I was unable to patent my discovery. You can't patent a *benefit*. You have to patent the thing that CREATES the benefit.

Copper sheets have been patented for years.

So I spend nine months trying to figure out the MOST AFFORDABLE copper to use, the easiest way to apply it and to set up a simple distribution model so you could get all you need at one place.

I wanted copper Made in the USA.

I wanted copper nails Made in the USA.

I wanted a USA distribution partner.

That's why it took so long to get the book out. I didn't want to publish the book and then have you all FRUSTRATED not being able to get the BEST copper.

You can BUY the copper from me right now.


You WILL NOT find a cheaper price anywhere for the copper AND the CORRECT NAILS you need to install it.


You MUST USE solid copper nails, they must be ring-shanked and they must be 2.5 inches long.

You can use stainless-steel nails if you want, but wait until you see what those cost if you go out looking for them!

But if you're foolish and try to use galvanized roofing nails then the nails WILL CORRODE once they get wet.

Where Does The Copper Go Tim?

CLICK HERE to see where the copper goes.

It goes up on the top of your roof or along the hips.

Your asphalt shingle roof is going to FAIL MUCH SOONER than it should if you don't install my copper on it.

Okay, that's enough for today.

I explain EVERYTHING in my Roofing Ripoff book WHY your shingles are falling apart.

I explain how shingles USED TO BE MADE so they'd last for 30, 40 or more years.

I explain WHAT the manufacturers might be doing to pre-age the shingles.

Have a great weekend!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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